Use "micronesian|micronesians" in a sentence

1. Ethnically, the I-Kiribati are Micronesians.

2. The prehistories of many Micronesian islands such as Yap are not known very well.

3. Australoid (Adjective) A member of the racial classification that includes Veddahs, Negritos, New Guineans, Melanesians, Micronesians and Australian aborigines

4. Australoid (plural Australoids) (anthropology) A member of the racial classification that includes Veddahs, Negritos, New Guineans, Melanesians, Micronesians and Australian aborigines.

5. Indonesians and Filipinos are properly termed Asian, since their island groups are considered part of the Asian continent, but not the Melanesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians of the central and southern Pacific, who are now often referred to collectively as Pacific Islanders